Visiting Teaching - Leadership Training Videos
Questions Visiting Teachers Can Ask
Join us as we explore the January visiting teaching message, "Watchcare and Ministering through Visiting Teaching." We've added quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities to help us learn more about the responsibility each one of us has to minister to others just as the Savior does.
The following kinds of questions can lead to opportunities for visiting teachers to give comfort, share relevant gospel teaching, and provide meaningful service:
• What worries or concerns do you have?
• What questions do you have about the gospel or the Church?
• Would you allow us to help you with _______?
When asking a question like this, visiting teachers should offer to help in a specific way, such as caring for the children for a brief time, assisting with a homemaking task, or helping to run an errand. It is less helpful to say, “Call us if you need anything.” (See Daughters in My Kingdom, 115.)
How Visiting Teachers Love, Watch Over, and Strengthen a Sister
• Pray daily for her and her family.
• Seek inspiration to know her and her family.
• Visit her regularly to learn how she is doing and to comfort and strengthen her.
• Stay in frequent contact through visits, phone calls, letters, e-mail, text messages, and simple acts of kindness.
• Greet her at Church meetings.
• Help her when she has an emergency, illness, or other urgent need.
• Teach her the gospel from the scriptures and the visiting teaching messages.
• Inspire her by setting a good example.
• Report to a Relief Society leader at least once a month about their service and the sister’s spiritual and temporal well-being.
• Report urgent concerns immediately to the ward or branch Relief Society president.
(See Daughters in My Kingdom, 123).
From the Handbook
9.5.1 -…visiting teachers have regular contact (monthly if possible) with those they are assigned. When a personal visit is not possible, visiting teachers may use phone calls, letters, e-mail, or other means to watch over and strengthen sisters.
Visiting Teaching Website from