Monday, February 24, 2014

Arlington Stake Women's Conference

Making and keeping covenants is the way back to our Heavenly home.
Come enjoy mini classes and lunch with women of all ages as we learn more about walking the covenant path.  In our mini classes we will explore what keeping covenants looks like in our daily lives and how women of all ages (daughters, mothers, grandmothers) and in every auxiliary can support one another as we walk the covenant path together.

(Mini classes include)
My Baptismal Covenants (for Primary,YW and newly baptized members of the church)
Preparing Myself to Make Sacred Temple Covenants (for Primary, YW and sisters preparing to go)
Living a Covenant Life (for sisters who have made temple covenants)
Renewing My Covenants at the Sacrament Table (for all ages)
Creating A Christ Centered Home (for all ages)
Standing as a Witness (for all ages)
The Divine Calling of Motherhood: Respecting it Now and Preparing For it in the Future (for all ages)
Bearing Others Burdens (for all ages)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

 General Relief Society Broadcast

Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president; Carole M. Stephens, first counselor; and Linda S. Reeves, second counselor, will address Relief Society sisters worldwide at the general Relief Society meeting Saturday, September 28, 2013.
Relief Society sisters worldwide are invited to view the satellite broadcast of the general Relief Society meeting, which will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2013, at 5:00 pm at the Arlington Stake Center.
All women 18 years of age and older are encouraged to view the broadcast. They are also encouraged to invite friends and neighbors who may benefit from the meeting.
Join us for some warm cobbler and visiting after the broadcast.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Home-A Sanctuary From the World

“The time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us.” “Spencer W. Kimball (Ensign, Nov. 1980, p. 4.)

Women’s Vital Role in the Family/ First and Highest Priority

“The home is under siege. So many families are being destroyed…If anyone can change the dismal situation into which we are sliding, it is you. Rise up, O women of Zion, rise to the great challenge which faces you…My challenge to you…is that you will rededicate yourselves to the strengthening of your homes.”  President Gordon B. Hinckley-(Ensign Nov 1998, 99-100)

The mother in the family far more than the father, she is the one who instills in the hearts of the children, a testimony and love for the gospel…and whenever you find a woman who is devoted to this work, almost without exception you will find that her children are devoted to it. Pres. Heber J. Grant (Gospel Standards, 101)

Mothers are the emotional glue that holds the family together. Joseph F. Smith said. “There are people fond of saying that women are the weaker vessels. I don’t believe it. Physically, they may be; but spiritually, morally…and in faith, what man can match a woman who is really convinced?”

 Sister Eliza R. Snow “Let your first business be to perform your duties at home.”

President Gordon B Hinckley “You are the guardians of the hearth. You are the bearers of the children. You are they who nurture them and establish within them the habits of their lives. No other work reaches so close to divinity as does the nurturing of the sons and daughters of God.

 Zina D H Young: If there is one mother present here who does not teach and instruct her children properly… I plead with you to do so. Call your children around you … and pray with them. … Warn the children of the evils that surround us … that they may not become a prey to these evils, but grow up in holiness and in purity before the Lord.”

Friday, February 15, 2013

As part of our conference we would like to give HOPE to others by accepting much needed donations of shampoo and/or toothpaste to local food bank. Any size is welcome except small travel sizes.
Please bring your donations March 9th.

A Spoonful of Honey Helps the Medicine Go Down    Healing with Herbal Honeys
Keep everyone healthy this cold and flu season. Make and Take your own herbal honeys. 

 So You Think You Want To Serve A Mission? (YW and YSA)
"I may be an instrument in the hands of God" 
In this class the presenters will share how serving a mission prepared  them for life  and what you can do to prepare.

Be Patient with Yourself: “You Are Closer To Heaven Than You Suppose”
Feel like even your best efforts aren’t measuring up? Why do we lose our "Perfect brightness of Hope" even though we know where we came from, who we are, and where we are going?  Let us remind you that not only are you doing far better than you think you are, but that you have yet to accomplish great things!  It's all about continually moving forward without getting bogged down in the everyday clutter.

Mission Possible! Nurturing Marriage Through It All
Happily Ever After Is For Real!    
You marry your prince charming and then life attacks! Together you manage children, jobs, money, church, retirement, mission and the golden years. We will discuss some fun ideas to enjoy each stage of life and love every part of growing old together.

Sister Scriptorian
 The Lord tells us, “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.” (Isa. 49:16)  Our goal should be to engrave His name on OUR palms and keep His walls continually before US.  Wouldn’t it be great to see things as the Lord sees them?  The scriptures offer us that. I'll discuss the why, where and how’s of personal scripture study.

“Parenting The Internet Generation: How To Take Control Of The Internet In Your Home To Help Prevent Problems and Addictions"
Many parents today feel like they live in a “digital divide” — they want to protect their children from Internet dangers and pitfalls, but they are not sure how to do so, and are not even sure they know what all the dangers are! Parents need to be armed with the best information and the best tools to protect their children and teens when using computers, hand-held devices, smart phones, etc. Elder and Sister Snider are Church Service Missionaries for LDS Family Services in the Arlington Stake. They are excited to share information on this subject and we hope that all mothers and all sisters who have contact with youth will attend this important class.

 What If?... Preparing for and Enduring through our own Sandy Storm
We will learn from those who have lived through disasters: Strategies to help you prepare
beyond that 72 hour kit:  Learn what you really need to have and do.
Being prepared doesn’t have to cost a lot.  Learn how to prepare and still pay the bills.

Dancing In The Rain: How to Handle Life’s Storm Clouds and Enjoy The Ride
“…this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly humble seeker of happiness.” (Alma 27:18)    This class will help you to keep grinning and be of good cheer as the fiery darts of the adversary are flung in your direction.

Motherhood: Choosing To Nurture Every Day 
Mothering can be the most demanding and the most rewarding thing a woman does, sometimes at the same time!  In this class we’ll discuss the principles of nurturing, why it’s important, and some practical tips on how to nurture your children on a daily basis. This class should be applicable to mothers of children from newborn to adults.

Becoming Your Best Self: Navigating The Narrow Path   (YW and YSA)
Life has many opportunities to experience physical, emotional and spiritual pain.
Come and discover five avoidable habits and attitudes that guarantee misery and unhappiness. 

Finding Hope When Children Wander
A feature of our current times seems to be that most families struggle with children who go astray.  In this class we will develop a perspective concerning the times we live in and their influence on children and our role as parents.  We will explore the almost counter-intuitive way that personal sanctification of the parent works on bringing back those who stray.  The role of priesthood ordinances and covenants will be discussed as well.  The end result will be leaving the class with a sense of hope for each family's situation and that success, though gradual and incremental, is assured.  

I’ve Been Called to Teach, Now What?
Learn how to engage all students through the new "Come Follow Me" teaching tools. When teaching the Savior's way, you can get even those tough to reach students to open up and share their thoughts with the class. Learn how your students can teach class, while you facilitate meaningful discussion.

Making Your Home an MTC
Families of all ages can prepare NOW to serve missions. Teach and learn together about how to be ready to leave home, teach the gospel and serve others.  Wouldn’t it be great if every missionary found the doctrines of the gospel taught in the MTC a review - and not a revelation.  As parents, how do we help prepare our missionaries? 
RS Room
YW Room
Opening Session in Chapel
Keynote Speaker: President Trevor Williams
This class will be held on the stage

A Spoonful Of Honey Helps The Medicine Go Down.
Healing With Herbal Honeys

Gayle Andrews
So You Think You Want to Serve A Mission?
(YW and YSA)

Barbara Hammond & Lori Johnson
Be Patient With Yourself:
“You Are Closer To Heaven Than You Suppose”

Paula Shepherd & Tanna Mosalsky

Mission Possible! Nurturing Marriage Through It All

David & Vivian Wright
Sister Scriptorian

Rick Williams

Parenting The Internet Generation:
How to Take Control Of The Internet In Your Home

President Southworth,
Phil & Donna Snider
What If?...
Preparing For and Enduring Through Our Own Sandy Storm

Paul & Adrianna Mc Dowell
Dancing In The Rain: How To Handle Life’s Storm Clouds and Enjoy The Ride

Cyndy Thompson
Lunch Served
Motherhood: Choosing To Nurture Every Day

Stephanie Dickson
Becoming Your Best Self: Navigating The Narrow Path
(YW and YSA)

Jeffrey & Deanna Vaughn
What If?...
Preparing For and Enduring Through Our Own Sandy Storm

Paul & Adrianna Mc Dowell
Mission Possible! Nurturing Marriage Through It All

David & Vivian Wright
Finding Hope When Children Wander

Bishop Rick Haywood

I’ve Been Called To Teach, Now What?

Jay Schilaty

Be Patient With Yourself: “You Are Closer To Heaven Than You Suppose”

Paula Shepherd & Tanna Mosalsky

Making Your Home An MTC

President David Flake & Sheri Flake

Friday, February 1, 2013

Arlington Stake Women's Conference

A Perfect Brightness of Hope

Saturday, March 9, 2013
9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Arlington Stake Center
Lunch will be provided

As part of our conference we would like to give HOPE to others by accepting much needed donations of shampoo and/or toothpaste to local food bank. Any size is welcome except small travel sizes.
Please bring your donations March 9th.

Classes Offered

A Spoonful of Honey Helps the Medicine Go Down”-Healing with Herbal Honeys

So You Think You Want To Serve A Mission? (For YW and YSA)

Be Patient with Yourself: “You Are Closer To Heaven Than You Suppose”

Mission Possible! Nurturing Marriage Through It All

Sister Scriptorians

Parenting the Internet Generation:How to Take Control of the Internet  in Your Home to Help Prevent Problems and Addictions

What If?... Preparing for and Enduring through our own Sandy Storm

Dancing In The Rain: How to Handle Life’s Storm Clouds and Enjoy The Ride

Motherhood: Choosing To Nurture Every Day

Becoming Your Best Self: Navigating The Narrow Path (For YW and YSA)

Finding Hope When Children Wander

I’ve Been Called to Teach, Now What?

Making Your Home an M T C

Friday, January 4, 2013

The more we devote ourselves to the pursuit of holiness and happiness, the less likely we will be on a path to regrets.

Of Resolutions:

One day we will take that unavoidable step and cross from this mortal sphere into the next estate. One day we will look back at our lives and wonder if we could have been better, made better decisions, or used our time more wisely.
To avoid some of the deepest regrets of life, it would be wise to make some resolutions today. Therefore, let us:
  • Resolve to spend more time with those we love.
  • Resolve to strive more earnestly to become the person God wants us to be.
  • Resolve to find happiness, regardless of our circumstances.

The path toward fulfilling our divine destiny as sons and daughters of God is an eternal one. My dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, we must begin to walk that eternal path today; we cannot take for granted one single day.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dear Sisters of the Arlington Stake,

Thank you for your wonderful contributions in helping us create the Life of Christ room for the Arlington Stake Nativity Festival.

We appreciate the trust that was given to loan out the beautiful treasured art from your homes. It added much in making the room reflect the Savior's life, teachings and example. We are so grateful to those who donated their time and talents during such an already busy time of the year.
There were a few pictures not used simply because of duplicates or lack of space, but know that every one was appreciated.

May you each enjoy a beautiful holiday season as you focus your families on the Savior, feel His love and express gratitude for His gospel.

We love you and pray for you.

Arlington Stake Relief Society Presidency

Here is a link to a wonderful discussion to parents on
Focusing your Holidays on the Savior

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November Quote

President Packer promised great blessing to sisters who devote themselves to the work of the Relief Society:
"Your every need shall be fulfilled, now, and in the eternities; every neglect will be erased; every abuse will be corrected. All of this can come to you, and come quickly, when you devote yourself to Relief Society.
“Service in the Relief Society magnifies and sanctifies each individual sister. Your membership in Relief Society should be ever with you. When you devote yourself to the Relief Society and organize it and operate it and participate in it, you sustain the cause that will bless every woman who comes within its influence."           President Boyd K Packer

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Run and Not Be Weary - Fall Meeting

Dear Sisters,

Thank you for all your support and enthusiasm for our Arlington Stake Relief Society Fall Meeting, Run and Not Be Weary...Nutritious Cooking with Food Storage. Below is the link to the blog for this meeting. The same link is also posted in the right column of this blog with the other links. When you click on the link in either place it will take you to a the Run and Not Be Weary Fall Meeting blog. There are 8 tabs for each of the 8 classes (only the 9th class, the Perpetual Harvest video, is not featured on the blog). Many of the classes have recipes and all have important information for their topic included under each tab. We hope this blog will be a resource for many years. Feel free to share this and all our blogs with your friends, neighbors and family.

We love you!
The Arlington Stake Relief Society Presidency

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Prepare For General Conference

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Arlington Stake Relief Society Fall Meeting

Run and Not Be Weary...
Nutritious Cooking with Food Storage
Arlington Stake Relief Society Fall Meeting
 @ The Arlington Stake Center
Saturday, September 29, 2012
9 classes  - 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The Relief Society General Broadcast - 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

 Dinner - 6:30 p.m.

Class Descriptions:

Cooking Outside the Box

Eating habits can last a lifetime and affect our physical and emotional well-being. Are we serving our families healthy meals? or 'meals out of a box', ‘freezer prepared' and 'fast food' too often? Tips on steps we can take to serve more nutritious meals at home.

Whole Foods to Enrich Your Food Storage

Using nuts, dried fruits, and other whole foods to round out our food storage and provide greater nutrition in our everyday diet.

Herbs & Spices for Flavor and Health

Herbs and Spices add flavor and health to our daily food and food storage without MSG’s and harmful additives. Come learn to grow and dry herbs, where to buy them in bulk, how to prepare Italian, Ginger & Sesame, Caesar,and Ranch salad dressings, homemade plain and basil mayonnaise, tartar sauce, herbal tea, seasonings for chili, taco meat, spaghetti sauce and more!

"All Grain is Good for the Food of Man" Doc & Cov 89:16

"The more we eat food in its natural state and the less it is refined.... the healthier it will be for us." Pres. Ezra T Benson (Ensign 4:66, 1974)

This class will focus on healthy ways to include a variety of nutritious WHOLE grains into your daily diet.....everything from breakfast to dinner and snacks in between.

Tara & the Magic Beanstalk-cooking with Beans

“Save LOTS of money and eat VERY healthy using beans! It’s easy, tastes great and helps us use our food storage wisely!”

Sprouting for Fresh Food

No room for a garden? The world is a mess and you can't get fresh fruits and veggies for Vitamin C? Sprout a few ounces of some of those hundreds of pounds of grains you are storing, and voila - a nutritional treat for your body!! Learn how, enjoy fresh samples, and leave inspired and prepared!

Eating Right: Living the Word of Wisdom

We have been blessed with physical bodies that house our spirit and serve as the instrument of our minds. By understanding and following the Word of Wisdom we can enjoy better health, greater energy, and clearer thinking.

Food Storage Challenge: ALLERGIES

Come learn how to make food storage nutritionally sound and enjoyable when we are unable to eat traditional foods.

Perpetual Harvest Matinee – Popcorn Included!

90 minute DVD presentation entitled Perpetual Harvest by Jack Jenkins. It teaches about root crops, 'wintering over', perpetual harvest, the dirty 12, gardening, energetics, preserving without canning or freezing, seeds, alternative cooking methods, among others. Be ready to take lots of notes! You may view all 90 minutes or sneak out and visit another class.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August Quote

Our new General Board Relief Society Presidency

Sister Carole M. Stephens -- Pres. Sister Linda K. Burton --- Sister Linda S. Reeves

We will all get to know them better at the General Broadcast on September 29th.


Sister Linda K. Burton, was serving as a member of the Relief Society general board
when she received her call to serve as the organization’s president. In her Church callings,
she spent three years serving with her husband as he presided over the Korea Seoul West
Mission. They returned from Korea in 2010. She also served on the Primary general board
and in various callings in the Young Women, Primary and Sunday School and as a
seminary teacher.
She studied elementary education at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City
and is married to Craig P. Burton. They have six children and 19 grandchildren.
Sister Carole M. Stephens, was also serving on the Relief Society general board
when she accepted the call to serve as first counselor in the general presidency. She has also served as stake Relief Society president, ward Relief Society president, counselor and teacher, ward Young Women president, ward Primary counselor, Primary teacher, Cub Scout leader, Church-service missionary and seminary teacher.

She attended Weber State University in Ogden, Utah and is currently a member
of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. She is married to Martin R. Stephens. They are the parents of six grown children and 15 grandchildren.

Sister Linda S. Reeves was serving as the first counselor in her ward’s
Relief Society when she was called to serve in the Relief Society general presidency. Previously she served with her husband when he was president of the California Riverside Mission. She also served as stake Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward young single adult adviser, Sunday School teacher and Primary chorister.

She graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor of arts degree in
special education. She is married to Melvyn K. Reeves, and they are the parents
of 13 children.